Friday, January 10, 2014

Future Robot FURo-S Smart service robot

Furo robot ces 2014

Possibly the creepiest robot at CES this year, the FURo-S is a service robot with a simulated human face for a head. Carrying a screen, the robot is designed with advertising or shopping in mind, and reacts to people through its facial, gesture and voice recognition all with an emoting face.
You may also like: Grillbot The Automatic Grill Cleaning Robot
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Winbot Window-Washing Robot

Some things at the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas just can't help but grab our attention. And the Winbot is one such piece of tech - because it can wander up and down vertical surfaces while cleaning windows. The Winbot sticks to your windows, travels 15cm per second and washes away the dirt and grime completely autonomously. Hit one button, stick it to the window and off it goes.
You may also like: MiP A Bluetooth Controlled Balancing Two-Wheeler Robot 
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Grillbot The Automatic Grill Cleaning Robot

grillbot ces 2014

This little steel-brushed robot takes the elbow grease out of cleaning the barbecue. Stick it on the grill, hit the button, and watch Grillbot quickly clean those grill bars, automatically regulating its speed and direction, moving around the grill until the timer is up. You don’t even need to wait for the grill to cool.
You may also like: Ozobot A Smart Robot That Plays Games With You
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MiP: A Bluetooth Controlled Balancing Two-Wheeler Robot

MIP stands for Mobile Inverted Pendulum. Collaboration with University College San Diego, the MiP robot is a self-balancing robot that looks like it is running around on a tiny Segway.
MiP ces 2014

It is a Bluetooth-controlled balancing two-wheeler. The 'bot can either be moved around by using an iOS app as a controller, or put into one of a number of game or entertainment modes, such as dancing to music stored on the iPhone, or even following your hand around.
You may also like: Ozobot is a smart robot that plays games with you

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Ozobot: A Smart Robot That Plays Games With You.

It’s a tiny, one-inch-tall robot designed to work on top of tablet and smartphone screens, as well on as paper. What's more, it will follow both digital and physical lines that players draw on the fly, and can even reportedly tell the difference between a digital and physical surface.
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