Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Facebook updates its News Feed

Digest: Facebook will begin adding related links with news stories, to help users find more content. Also, older stories generating newer comments will bump back up near the top of News Feeds. 

Facebook is boosting its efforts to put more news in its News Feed. That is, real news from the news media, rather than status updates from friends.

Statement from Varun Kacholia, Facebook's engineering manager, and software engineer Minwen Ji: “Starting soon, we'll be doing a better job of distinguishing between a high quality article on a website versus a meme photo hosted somewhere other than Facebook when people click on those stories on mobile.”

Facebook will tweak the way its displays articles in user News Feeds: "This means that high quality articles you or others read may show up a bit more prominently in your News Feed, and meme photos may show up a bit less prominently," the engineers wrote on blog post


Sony's PlayStation 4 sales reach 2.1 million units

Summary: Sony's PlayStation 4 has hit another important milestone, it now Serving 2.1 Million Users Worldwide

Sony on Tuesday announced that global PlayStation 4 sales have reached 2.1 million units worldwide. The company was quick to point out that the tally includes actual sales to consumers and not merely shipments into the retail channel.

Andrew House, President and Group CEO, Sony Computer Entertainment Inc. said that it has been the best launch in PlayStation history. He added that “Demand remains incredibly strong and continues to overwhelm the supply worldwide, but we are diligently working to meet those growing demands and to deliver additional PS4 units to our retail partners throughout the holiday season”.

The InfoScout console sales charts break down like this:

Friday, October 4, 2013

Apple has released a Golden Master version of its upcoming operating system, OS X 10.9 or Mavericks, to developers

Image: Apple

This essentially means that OS X 10.9 is finalized, as the Golden Master is the same version that will be released to the public. The exact date of launch has not yet been revealed, but Mavericks should become available sometime in October.

The Mavericks GM is available for download now in the Mac App Store for those already on the developer preview. It’s also available as a direct download in the Mac Dev Center. Apple has seeded the Xcode 5.0.1 GM (to make apps for Mavericks), OS X Server Preview 9, and Apple Remote Desktop 3.7 as well.

Mavericks brings better performance and battery life, the ability to tag files, folders and documents, better support for multiple displays, a new version of Finder with support for tabs, a new version of Safari, as well as many fixes and improvements

Source: Apple, Mashable