Digest: Mimo is a connected onesie that monitors a baby’s sleep and
feeds the information back to parents using an integrated smartphone app.
Each year in the United
States, about 4,000 infants die suddenlyof no obvious cause, many of them in their sleep. Mimo alleviates any fears
parents might have by letting them know everything is all right and setting off
an alarm when things are not.
How may Mimo help you?
Mimo baby monitor lets you see
the things that you actually care about and are already checking.
- Respiration sensors are the softest and most comfortable sensors around. They let you check that your baby is breathing, no matter what they're doing.
- Temperature sensor, you can know that you've got your baby dressed properly, and that the A/C is working.
- The body suit records the motion of your baby so that you can tell how active they are.
- With medically backed sleep algorithms, know when your baby falls asleep, and how well they're sleeping.
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How does it works
Mimo comes with three organic
cotton onesies that act as respiration sensors, a toy turtle clip that monitors
movement and a Wi-Fi base station shaped like a lily pad that is fully equipped
with a microphone.
Mimo’s organic cotton kimono
is fitted with non-contact machine washable sensors that measure a baby’s
respiration. When paired with the Mimo Turtle, we can monitor your infant’s
respiration, skin temperature, body position, and activity level. We send all
this data to the Mimo Lilypad Base Station via infant safe Bluetooth Low
Lilypad & Turtle
The Mimo Lilypad connect the
Turtle to your home’s WiFi, allowing us to process your baby’s information in
real-time using our algorithms. The Lilypad also has a microphone, allowing
Mimo to stream your baby’s sounds to your smartphone in real-time.
Smartphone App
The Mimo app enables parents
to do three things: see their baby’s data in real-time; set alerts to let them
know if anything changes; and to view trend and analytics about their baby’s
sleep (and more!) over time. The app works for both iPhones and Android
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Mimo availability and Cost
It’s available in January,
2014 and it will cost $200
Source: The Mimo BabyMonitor